What is ANAMoDE?


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ANAMoDE is the story of Jesus Christ, His Church and the Sacraments foretold through the story of AdamNoahAbrahamMoses and David. This story is called Salvation History. It is also called Typology. A person, place or event in the Old Testament is a type, a foreshadowing, points to and is fulfilled by a person, place or event in the New Testament. St. Augustine tells us that “The New Testament lies hidden in the Old and the Old Testament is unveiled in the New” The Church teaches in this manner. Some examples of this are:

·      Wisdom 10:1-21

·      Jesus – Luke 24:25-27 and Luke 24:44-47

·      St. Stephen – Acts 7:1-53

·      St. Peter – Acts. 10:42-43

·      St. Paul – Acts. 13:26-33

In 397AD at the Council of Carthage, the Catholic Church, established the canon of the New Testament, which includes 27 books. ANAMoDE will use the 46 books of the Old Testament, highlighting the 20 events from the lives of AdamNoahAbrahamMoses and David. These 20 events find their meaning in the story of Jesus Christ, His Church, and the Sacraments. We are in exile “poor banished children of Eve”, but behold God is with us (Emmanuel). God has been manifested (Epiphany). God remains with us (Eucharist).

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